Install OpenCilk

System requirements

OpenCilk 2.0 runs on Intel x86 64-bit processors (Haswell and newer), AMD x86 64-bit processors (Excavator and newer), and Apple M1 and other 64-bit ARM processors. It has been tested on the following operating systems:

  • Ubuntu (18.04, 20.04, 22.04), including via WSL2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux 2)
  • FreeBSD (13)
  • Fedora (34, 36)
  • macOS (10.15, 11.6, 12.4)


The OpenCilk binaries assume that system header files and system libraries are already installed on the system.

  • On Linux, we recommend installing GCC (or equivalent) to provide these necessary system files.
  • On macOS, you must install XCode or the XCode Command Line Tools to get the necessary system files.

Methods of installation

Precompiled binaries for OpenCilk 2.0 can be installed in several ways:

You can also build OpenCilk from source, which is the recommended approach for Ubuntu 18.04 and other operating systems for which precompiled binaries are not available.

Installing using a shell archive

To install OpenCilk 2.0 using a shell archive, first download the appropriate shell archive for your system, then follow the installation instructions.


Download the appropriate shell archive for your system using one of the following links:




Execute the shell script to extract OpenCilk 2.0 into the current directory. For example:

$ sh

You will be prompted to accept the OpenCilk license and whether or not to append a version-specific subdirectory to the installation prefix (by default the current directory).

Optionally, you can select a different installation directory by passing the option --prefix=/path/to/install/dir to the script. (You will need to make sure that installation directory exists before running the shell archive with --prefix.) To see all options, pass the --help argument to the script.

The OpenCilk C (or C++) compiler can be invoked via bin/clang (or bin/clang++) from within the installation directory. Optionally, you can configure your system so that clang and clang++ point to the OpenCilk C and C++ compilers (e.g., by setting your PATH environment variable or installing system-wide symbolic links).


The following example shows the process on Ubuntu 20.04 to install OpenCilk into /opt/opencilk without adding a version-specific subdirectory. The installation and setup process is analogous for macOS and other Linux systems.

  • Download the precompiled OpenCilk shell archive for your system.
  • Make directory /opt/opencilk if it does not already exist, and execute the shell script to install OpenCilk into the directory.
$ mkdir -p /opt/opencilk
$ sh --prefix=/opt/opencilk --exclude-subdir
OpenCilk Installer Version: 2.0.0, Copyright (c) OpenCilk
This is a self-extracting archive.
The archive will be extracted to: /opt/opencilk 
Using target directory: /opt/opencilk
Extracting, please wait... 
Unpacking finished successfully
  • The OpenCilk C/C++ compiler can now be run as /opt/opencilk/bin/clang or /opt/opencilk/bin/clang++.
  • Optionally, set clang and clang++ to point to the OpenCilk C and C++ compilers. This can be achieved in numerous ways, such as by setting your PATH environment variable to look in /opt/opencilk/bin/ or by installing system-wide symbolic links.

Installing using a tarball

To install OpenCilk 2.0 using a tarball, first download the appropriate tarball for your system, then follow the installation instructions.


Download the appropriate tarball for your system using one of the following links:




Extract OpenCilk 2.0 from the downloaded tarball. For example:

$ tar xvzf OpenCilk-2.0.0-x86_64-Linux-Ubuntu-20.04.tar.gz

will extract the OpenCilk installation into a subdirectory OpenCilk-2.0.0-x86_64-Linux-Ubuntu-20.04/ within the current working directory.


Extracting the tarball as above is equivalent to running the corresponding shell archive with options --skip-license --include-subdir. Installing using this method, or by passing --skip-license to the shell archive, implies that you accept OpenCilk's software license.

Docker image

OpenCilk 2.0 is also available as a docker image based on Ubuntu 20.04. You can download the docker image here:

The OpenCilk C and C++ compilers are available as clang and clang++ in the image. To use the OpenCilk 2.0 Docker image, download the docker-opencilk-v2.0.tar.gz file, load the image, and run a container. For example:

$ docker load -i docker-opencilk-v2.0.tar.gz
$ docker run -it opencilk:v2.0 /bin/bash

Next steps

The OpenCilk 2.0 installation includes LLVM 14 with the following OpenCilk components:

  • OpenCilk compiler (with the clang and clang++ front-ends)
  • OpenCilk runtime library
  • Cilksan race detector
  • Cilkscale scalability analyzer and visualization script

See Getting started for steps to verify that your installation is working and to start using OpenCilk.